On-line programmes for all

Education without limits, but with the following rules


For whom? For the general public, families with children, or as team-building

How long is it? 90-120 min

What do you need? A computer connected to the internet with a microphone and camera, a couple of pieces of paper, and something to write with

For how many? 4-8 adults or children ages 12 and up

How much does it cost? CZK 1200 Kč/group
How to order? Reservations and other information via jiri@dox.cz or 295 568 104

One of the pillars of the DOX Centre's activities is education. We develop creativity, empathy, and creative thinking, which are useful for everyone from pre-schoolers to adults. We draw inspiration from social problems and the DOX Centre's exhibition projects provide us with a rich source of material to draw upon. Because at the moment we cannot provide this programme on our premises, we've created on-line versions. Learn how to move about safely in the world of the internet, or how to use an error to your benefit.

Our on-line catalogue

Questions? Contact us


Jiří Raiterman
+420 295 568 104