The story starts here
Someone has already taken the first step for you.
Redeem your membership gift voucher by filling in the Voucher Code field on the purchase form after selecting your membership category. We will then issue you with a membership card and you can use your benefits for a full year. The voucher must be redeemed within six months of issue and can also be used to extend the validity of an existing DOX Club membership card.
Be ours
Wall of Fame
Thank you!
Corporate members of the DOX Friends Club
Platinum Membership
Gold Membership
Silver Membership
Individual members of the DOX Club
Boudewijn Jansen & Yvette van Dishoeck
Magda & Martin Dzivjakovi
Filip Horák
Kateřina & Petr Janků
Lenka & Petr Mixovi
Mikoláš Tuček
Alexandra Bízková
Helena Vágnerová
Kateřina Trlifajová
Bill Shipsey
Damien Béchard & Jan Tůma
Jana Fürstová
Petr Horák
Martin Vohryzek
Helena & Michal Jakoubě
Ivana Kranichová
Helena Kovaříková
Klára Zemanová & Petr Macek
Josef & Eva Motyčkovi
Petr Tošner
Monika Kořínková
Miroslav Lédl