Aleš Veselý: Permanence and Inertia
30 Jun 2011 – 12 Mar 2012
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art presents three sculptures by Czech sculptor Aleš Veselý. You and I and Those Who Are No More, Entrance into Code andNarrow Slot are examples of the author´s current work.
On the sculpture terrace is an object entitled Narrow Slot. A large white ball is trapped in a massive steel drum. The distance between the ball´s perfect surface and the inner surface of the drum creates a narrow fissure of light. A set of three metal cones, You and I and Those Who Are No More, on the opposite side, is a concentrated focal point of force fields. The object entitled Entrance into Code, set in the middle of the courtyard, represents Veselý´s recurring theme of a gate, many variations of which appear in his sculptures, drawings and texts.
There is a common denominator for all exhibited works. It is the direct experience of a mystery of an intangible reach of the transcendental universe. The formal monumental nature of Veselý´s sculptures leads paradoxically to the opposite effect – the discreet experience of an invisible but even more real world.