10 Jul – 31 Aug 2014
The exhibition presents the activity of the Art Archive, which was created thirty years ago as a part of the activity of the private Gallery H in Kostelec nad Černými lesy, and which today is one of the largest collections od documents pertaining to primarily Czech and Slovak art.
The exhibition presents information on individual Art Archive projects and above all on its main mission – the creation of the abART information system, which is a catalogue of documents stored in the archive and simultaneously a knowledge base – a unique way of connecting information. The exhibition will also for example familiarize visitors with abART’s project “z Čech do světa” (From Bohemia to the World) featuring 1000 slogans by Czech artists with twenty reproductions of characteristic works, or with Polička/Shelf, a gallery of authors’ books. Specific examples will illustrate the individual types of documents the Archive collects – catalogues (for example catalogues of banned exhibitions from the Normalization era), books (for example from the Jazz section), artistic samizdat publications, typographical collections, or sheet music, a genre of graphic design that was the equivalent of the “MP3” of the 1920s or 30s due to its ubiquitous and inexpensive nature.
The exhibition takes place at the Small tower at DOX.