David Černý: Entropa
12 Jun 2009 – 10 May 2010
The sculpture, which provocatively addresses the stereotype themes relating to each EU country, aroused many emotional discussions in the Czech Republic and the world as well. It iritated some Bulgarians – the „turkish“ squat toilet „representing“ Bulgaria had to be covered.
The sculpture, which provocatively addresses the stereotype themes relating to each EU country, aroused many emotional discussions in the Czech Republic and the world as well. It iritated some Bulgarians – the „turkish“ squat toilet „representing“ Bulgaria had to be covered.
The Public can look forward to a whole array of supporing activities. For example, there will be discussions about what does Europe mean for us. Another theme will be the promotion of Czech culture abroad. Exactly in this area did David Černý do already so much for the Czech Republic. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, the sculpture is, from its marketing point of view, unbelievably successful – not many art works are able to capture the main news all over Europe!
Černý mystified even the Czech government, since he presented the sculpture as the work of 27 European artists. In reality, Krištof Kintera
a Tomáš Pospiszyl helped him create imaginary websites of non-existing fictional colaborators. Černý later apologized and added: „We knew that the truth will be revealed. We just wanted to know before that moment, whether Europe is able to laugh at itself. At the start there was a question, what do we really know about Europe.“ The sculpture Entropa „ is a parody of the socially activistic art, which balances on the edge between would-be controversial attacks on national character and an undisturbing decoration of official spaces“, said the author.