Jindřich Chalupecký Award - Final 09
23 Oct 2009 – 10 Jan 2010
The 20th annual Jindřich Chalupecký Award
On October 23, the 2009 Jindřich Chalupecký Award finalist exhibition was opened at Dox, Centre for Contemporary Art in Holešovice, Prague. 49 artists or art groups have applied or have been nominated this year. The 2009 exhibition features work by five finalists selected by the jury: Tomáš Džadoň, the art duo of Jiří Franta and David Böhm, Petra Herotová, Alena Kotzmannová, Jiří Skála. Each finalist has created a new project for the exhibition which, in most cases, responds directly to the gallery space.
The 2009 prize winner received:
- 100.000 CZK to realize an exhibition, project or a catalogue (during the year 2010)
- six-week scholarship in New York (spring or autumn 2010)
- 50,000 CZK cheque to support the artist’s future artistic development
We apologize to all visitors that Jiří Skála’s project has not been installed at present. Based on the requirement of the Fire Inspection Commission, which threatened to close the whole DOX Center, Jiří Skála was offered a substitute space which he decided not to use. Jiří Skála says that his approach to solving this situation demonstrates his life-long warfare against regulations. Here you can find his statement which replaces the current installation and becomes an integral part of his project.
The art duo of Jiří Franta (born 1978) and David Böhm (born 1982) have already for some years worked with wall paintings. They have a feeling for monumental expression and a talent for the smallest detail. They shift the possibilities of painting presentation by combining painting and installations or texts.
For Finalists 09 exhibition they created a wall painting on the 3rd floor of the Dox's tower. Part of it is is visible and part of it can be read only if lit up with a special flashlight.
Jiří Franta a David Böhm
Dvojice Jiří Franta(*1978) a David Böhm (*1982) již několik let vytvářejí nástěnné malby.
Mají cit pro monumentální výraz i talent pro jemný detail. Posouvají možnosti prezentace kresby, kterou kombinují s instalacemi nebo textem.
Pro výstavu Finále 09 připravili ve 3. patře věže Doxu nástěnnou malbu, jejíž jedna část je viditelná a druhou lze přečíst až po nasvícení speciální baterkou.
Petra Herotová
Drawing and video represent the basic means of artistic expression of Petra Herotová (born 1980). It is with the help of these techniques that she searches for the meaning of personal identity. In her art, contemporary conceptual strategies are applied on family problems and everyday life.
In Dox she will exhibit an installation called Petra Herotová based on
a peculiar research by the artist related to an identity of a person with the same name.
Photographs by Alena Kotzmannová (born 1974) are characteristic for their elegance, delicacy and narrative charge. Their resemblance to paintings alludes to the classics of the Czech photography school. Their sophisticated installation is used as independent artistic means of expression.
The artist's installation will most likely be a surprise for the audience. Her new project is represented by a monumental rusty boat with a curious modern building on the terrace of the gallery.
Jiří Skála
Jiří Skála (born 1976) is not afraid to experiment and embark on incalculable adventures. Compared to last year, when he was also a finalist, Skála has freed himself even more radically from the language of visual art to embrace experimental forms of literature.
In his installation on the first floor of the Dox's tower he combines video and literary texts and gives a summary of his last year's linguistic, philosophico-artistic experiments.
A catalogue has been prepared to accompany the exhibition.
Members of the 2009 jury are:
Suzanne Altmann, independent curator, Germany, jury chair
Ondřej Chrobák, curator, GASK Gallery/The Central Bohemian Gallery, Czech Republic
Mira Keratová, curator a art theoretician, Slovakia
Pavel Liška, chancellor of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Czech Republic
Jan Merta, artist, Czech Republic
Joanna Mytkowska, director of the Warsaw Museum of Modern Art, Poland
Elizabeth M. Grady, curator, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, USA
Exhibition co-ordination:
Lenka Lindaurová, Dan Merta, Tomáš Pospiszyl, Irena Šorfová, Dana Tomášová
Graphic design
Jan Šerých
Ministerstvo kultury České republiky
The Foundation for a Civil Society
Trust for Mutual Understanding
E15, Flash Art, artyčok.tv, Art&antiques
Gema Art,
Neue Galerie Graz, Universalmuseum Joanneum
Galerie města Blanska
ENIAC digital cinema
Jiří Staněk, Monogramista T.D., Jozef Sekula PISA, Aleš Uherka, CIDEM Hranice