8 Jun – 1 Oct 2012
The DOX Centre for
Contemporary Art prepared a retrospective of Karel Nepraš for the summer of
2012. Nepraš is one of a small number of leading Czech artists to whom Czech
museum and gallery institutions owe a representative exhibition and publication.
The exhibition maps Nepraš’s sculptural and graphic art within the
contexts of the time of their origin, and shall for the first time provide an
overall view of his work, without which it would be impossible to imagine Czech
sculpture of the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition
presents the artist’s most prestigious pieces, as well as lesser known or
entirely unknown works. It is prepared by the curator team of the DOX centre in
co-operation with the artist’s family, friends and experts on his work. An
extensive monograph with a detailed documentation and texts by a range of
authors engaging with the artist’s work shall be published for the occasion of
the exhibition.
Take a virtual tour!