Kinolab Film Festival
2 – 3 Nov 2018
I do not steal movies, but I can not legally download them online. How relevant is this argument?
The development of social media and the availability of new technologies created an environment enabling sharing of content that is valuable for the development of our society. But at the same time questions about sharing audio-visual content without the knowledge of the author arose. Promotion of creative works via the Internet has never been easier, yet nothing is free.
The questions related to piracy and copyright will be targeted through documentary films and subsequent discussions with experts at the Kinolab Film Festival in Prague, with the subtitle How technology made us share.
Open to general public, specifically to internet users, the festival offers not only a platform for discussion, but will serve as a practical guide to online behaviour. The festival will offer a rich program within two days. Through thematic documentaries and feature films, panel discussion with experts and lectures it will offer an insight into the principles of online sharing.
The festival will address the most common ways of sharing material online, such as streaming, referencing, or downloading through practical examples, along with explaining the conditions under which authoring works can be used without the author's consent or how users can trace the work the author has agreed to with the use of the work.
Enjoy watching:
- The Square
- Free Lunch Society
- Nothing to Hide
- A Pervert’s Guide to ideology
- Perfect Strangers
and many more, also don’t forget to attend panel discussions (this year unfortunately only Czech friendly), titled Pirates Without Their Own Fault, and The Folk Art of Cyberspace.
The festival is organized by, a film-discussion platform in cooperation with Fair Art, DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival, and Film Europe distribution company.
The Festival will take place at the DOX Center of Contemporary Art in autumn of this year as part of the #DATAMAZE - Data Maze exhibition, which focuses on online security and personal data protection. Films in the festival program, in addition to freely licensed CC films, are distributed by Film Europe, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival and Barcelona Creative Commons Film Festival.
Pre-sale until October 7
Standart 240 CZK
Discounted 160 CZK
From October 8
Standart 360CZK
Discounted 240CZK