Let’s get straight to it, before we divert you
How much is the ticket?
- basic: 450 CZK
- students and seniors: 350 CZK
- students of dance and theatre: 200 CZK
The performance is intended for children aged 12 and over.
Length: 55 min
Multifunctional hall DOX+
Poupětova 3, Praha 7
Show on the map
We hit the bank, we will not drown,
we will just remain insane. Just strange.
Memory, a handful of coins in a burning lake.
And naked unprotected desire.
Become a rock, not feel.
(Anna Ondrejková, fragment)
The performance was inspired by interviews with a community of
young people living in London who while on the run found themselves in limit situations. A stage composition balancing on the border between physical theatre and concert features seven exceptional musical and dance performers.
The performance is dedicated to our friends from Tibet.
Performers: Andrej Štepita, David Králík, Michaela Králiková, Hana Varadzinová, Marcel Bárta, Štěpán Janoušek, Vít Halška / Jan Chalupa
Concept, Direction, Choreography: Viliam Dočolomanský
Assistant directors and choreographers: Andrej Petrovič, Hana Varadzinová, Eliška Vavříková, Juraj Augustín a Barbora Ješutová
Music: Viliam Dočolomanský a Marcel Bárta, Hana Varadzinová, Vít Halška, Štěpán Janoušek
Music consultation: Jan Rösner
Research: Kate Saunders, Jindra Bromová, Viliam Dočolomanský, Jana Pilátová, Hana Varadzinová a Zuzana Daňková
Dramaturgy: Jana Pilátová
Set and costumes: Lucia Škandíková, Tereza Kopecká
Light design: František Fabián
Sound design: Eva Hamouzová
Technical realization: Leoš Válka, Pavel Kotlík, Hynek Petrželka, Tomáš Vondráček
Technical cooperation: Michal Pospíšil, Vít Škoda, Robert Palkovič, firma Elektronek
Lights: František Fabián / Vít Škoda / Robert Palkovič
Inspicient: Juraj Augustín
Production: Václav Hodonický, Zuzana Bednarčíková (Tanec Praha); Barbara Tůmová a Miroslava Kobrtková; Lucie Špačková (DOX)
Producer: Yvona Kreuzmannová
Realised within the project Be SpectACTive!
With the support of Creative Europe programme.
Executive Producer: Tanec Praha z. ú.
Co-production: Farm in the Cave, Center for Contemporary Art DOX
CapoTrave / Kilowatt Sansepolcro (IT), Bakelit Multi Art Center Budapest (HU), Domino Zagreb (HR), LIFT London (UK), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO), York Theatre Royal (UK)
Supported by the State Fund for Culture of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Prague City Hall and Václav Dejčmar. The Fund for the Support of Arts of the Slovak Republic.
Acknowledgements: Zuzaně Daňkové, Zdeňku Hronovi, Janu Kačírkovi, Janu Kohoutovi, Davidu Kollerovi, Jiřímu Kubelíkovi, Ildě Oswald, Jaroslavu Pauerovi, Tomáši Pintérovi, Robertu Palkovičovi, Anně Pilátové, Davidu Marečkovi a Haně Barylové, Robertu Russellovi, Davidu Sulkinovi, Vítku Škodovi, Petru Tollarovi, Davidu Tureckému