Past education programmes

Storybox: Melancholy of the Outer Limits

How much does a narrative need illustration and a picture needs a story? At DOX, we believe that a gallery and an exhibition in it is like a big box full of stories and you just have to choose. The programme draws inspirational material from an exhibition of small but impressive paintings by Josef Bolf.

The Truth, or a Lie?

A teaching workshop in the framework of the FALL festival and connected with the exhibition Point of View: Identity.

Empathy through story exchange

A seminar for librarians and teachers in the framework of the FALL festival and connected with the exhibition KAFKAesque.

FALL: Story exchange

A 60-minute discussion with respected writers followed by an immersive workshop focused on building empathy through story sharing and a visit to the exhibition KAFKAesque.

Storybox: Everything Like at the Dawn of the World

How much does narrative need illustration and image need a story? At DOX, we believe that a gallery like this, and the exhibition within it, is like a big box full of stories and all you have to do is choose. The programme draws inspirational material from Kamila Ženata's exhibition of abstract paintings Everything Like at the Dawn of the World.

Sticking Your Neck Out: KAFKAesque

Programme for the KAFKAesque exhibition and the role of the artist. What is the role of courage and the ability to follow one's own path in any kind of creation? What about us? What fascinates us? What are our problems, what troubles us and what do we want and can we do about it?

From a Different Page: KAFKAesque

Since the invention of writing, text and image have been among the most important means of conveying information and extending memory. Before the internet, the most common medium for this memory was the book. Experience an educational program using Narrative 4 methodologies and KAFKAesque exhibition imagery.

Art In Your Pocket: KAFKAesque

What is hidden under the term contemporary art and what paths does art show us? What is a work of art and how to recognize it? And where is the boundary between the work and its author? Educational programme from the permanent offer ROLE (IN) ART for the KAFKAesque exhibition.

DJ Curator: KAFKAesque

The programme for the KAFKAesque exhibition introduces students and pupils to the role of the curator in contemporary art. In a broader sense, it shows the curator as an essential figure in any information production.